
Gum removal for healthier gums and a radiant smile.

Gingivectomy in Dubai Gingivectomy is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess or overgrown gum tissue (gingiva). Periodontists, who specialize in gum health, use gingivectomy to treat certain types of periodontal (gum) conditions. Furthermore, gingivectomy is commonly used in cosmetic dentistry to correct a “gummy smile,” where an abundance of gum tissue makes the teeth appear short or “boxy.”

How it works

How does Gingivectomy work?

Gingivectomy becomes necessary when the gums recede from the teeth, creating deep pockets along the gum line. These pockets make proper tooth brushing difficult, leading to plaque buildup and increasing the risk of periodontal and other dental issues. During the procedure, the clinician will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area before removing the excess gum tissue. Once the tissue is trimmed, the clinician will sculpt the gumline and close the incision using specialized dental materials such as putty, sutures, or bandages. During the procedure, the clinician will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area before removing the excess gum tissue. Once the tissue is trimmed, the clinician will sculpt the gumline and close the incision using specialized dental materials such as putty, sutures, or bandages.

Use case

Who needs Gingivectomy Treatment?

Gingivectomy becomes necessary when the gums recede from the teeth, forming deep pockets along the gumline. These pockets make maintaining proper oral hygiene difficult, potentially leading to plaque buildup and various periodontal diseases. If left untreated, these periodontal issues can increase the risk of other health problems. Typically, a clinician will recommend a gingivectomy based on the patient’s oral health needs. However, patients can also request this procedure for both aesthetic and oral health improvement purposes.


Preparing Before Gingivectomy Treatment

Before your gingivectomy in Dubai, your periodontist will discuss the procedure with you and provide information on what to expect. Generally, no additional preparations are required. However, if you opt for sedation dentistry, it’s important to arrange for a reliable friend or family member to accompany you and provide transportation to and from your appointment. Typically, a clinician will recommend a gingivectomy based on the patient’s oral health needs. However, patients can also request this procedure for both aesthetic and oral health improvement purposes.

What to expect

How does the Gingivectomy Treatment look like?

The gingivectomy treatment typically involves the following steps: 1. **Anesthesia**: Before beginning the procedure, your surgeon will administer local anesthesia to numb your gums. If you've chosen sedation, they will also provide medications to help you relax. 2. **Removal of Excess Gum Tissue**: Using a scalpel or laser, your surgeon will carefully eliminate any excess or overgrown gum tissue. 3. **Gum Reshaping**: After removing the excess gum tissue, your surgeon will reshape the remaining gums to ensure they are proportionate to your teeth. 4. **Bone Reshaping**: In certain cases, your surgeon may need to reshape the underlying bone. This may require making small incisions along the gum line. 5. **Stitches**: Your surgeon will use stitches to close the incisions and control bleeding. (In the case of laser gingivectomy, stitches may not be necessary.) 6. **Dressing**: Your surgeon may apply a soft putty-like material over the surgical area to protect it. This dressing usually falls out on its own, but if it doesn't, your surgeon will remove it during your first follow-up appointment. However, if you opt for sedation dentistry, it’s important to arrange for a reliable friend or family member to accompany you and provide transportation to and from your appointment. Typically, a clinician will recommend a gingivectomy based on the patient’s oral health needs. However, patients can also request this procedure for both aesthetic and oral health improvement purposes.

After treatment

Expectations / Results after Treatment

Gingivectomy is performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing you to return home on the same day. Your surgeon will provide you with post-operative guidelines to ensure your comfort and facilitate a smooth recovery at home.

Meet our team

Consult Our Doctor​
If you are increasingly becoming conscious about the appearance of your smile, visit our experts at Pure today! Our specialists are experienced in evaluating and diagnosing the ideal candidates for a Gingivectomy and performing successful treatments. Smile confidently with our Best Gingivectomy in Dubai!

Frequently Asked Questions

Following a gingivectomy, your mouth may be quite sensitive due to the surgical procedure involving your gums. To manage any discomfort, consider applying an ice pack to the affected area for 15-minute intervals, followed by 15 minutes without the ice pack, repeating this cycle as needed. You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen according to the prescribed dosage or the instructions provided by your healthcare professional.

Regarding your post-surgery diet, it’s advisable to choose foods that are gentle on your tender mouth. Opt for soft foods such as soups, pasta, eggs, mashed potatoes, yogurt, and cooked vegetables during the initial days of recovery. It’s best to avoid crunchy, salty, sticky, or spicy foods for a period. As your mouth begins to heal, you can gradually reintroduce your regular diet.

Typically, a Gingivectomy procedure can be completed in approximately 30 to 60 minutes. If you require a Gingivectomy for multiple teeth, the duration of the procedure may be slightly extended. Typically, a Gingivectomy procedure can be completed in approximately 30 to 60 minutes. If you require a Gingivectomy for multiple teeth, the duration of the procedure may be slightly extended.

Gingivectomy provides several advantages, including:

  • Eliminating excess or overgrown gum tissue.
  • Correcting a “gummy smile.”
  • Reducing the presence of harmful oral bacteria.
  • Diminishing periodontal pockets around your teeth.
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of brushing and flossing by improving access to problem areas.
  • Aiding in the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums.
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